
soured on summer camp snacks: what i did about it

by:ER Bottle     2020-01-12
Last week my little daughter picked her up on the first day of the football camp and I was very happy.
Dozens of girls of different ages are running around on a vast campus green space, and energetic young coaches encourage them.
The blue sky above the head and the majestic background of St.
The Ignatius Church on the top of the mountain is a icing on the cake.
This is inspiring.
What summer camp should I feel.
Feel healthy.
When Virginia tells about the day she was there, she didn\'t feel very healthy when she shared the contents of the snack bar.
Here\'s her recollection of what\'s being sold there: Air head candy Doritos Fritos mini Oreo Mini chip-a-
A large bottle of Gatorade chocolate and a regular fruit snack at Krispies Bar Welch (
The second component is artificial pigments, spices and corn syrup)Fresh fruit? I asked. No. Water? Nope. Carrot and dipping sauce? Not a one. I was shocked.
Snack bar is a choice.
Parents can send snacks from home. that\'s what we do.
But why not offer healthier options at that snack bar?
Teach the girls the dynamic role of football, sportsmanship and healthy eating on the field.
In a seven-hour camp where most people are very active, it seems counter-intuitive to cheer the kids up with corn syrup, processed flour and artificial ingredients.
Of course, I can see that offering a treat at the camp, maybe an end --of-
The surprise of the week, but nothing but junk food, which is the staple of daily snacks, makes no sense to me.
So I took a page from my friend and Dietitian Sally Kuzemchak and decided to make a little snack.
I sent a letter to the director of the camp to share my thoughts on the snack bar (see below).
I haven\'t received a response from her yet, but I hope this may open the wheels to healthier options in the future.
If you are equally disappointed with the camp snacks, I encourage you to make some snacks yourself.
Take a look at this article by Sally about her own successful snack change at her son\'s camp.
She provides a sample of tips and a letter, she invites you to use the letter and customize it to your own needs (
That\'s exactly what I did).
I would love to hear your thoughts on the camp snacks, including any summer camp stories that have done well.
Dear, my daughter Virginia loves her for a week in your camp.
It\'s encouraging to see all these girls on the pitch.
The coach I met was great.
Since I know this camp takes into account the best interests of the children, I have to share some feedback about the snack bar.
I speak from the perspective of mom, registered dietitian and child nutrition advocate.
I was surprised to hear about the snacks provided by the camp and I was wondering if you would consider changing cookies, sweets and chips to a healthier option.
The children had a hard time at the camp and needed to nourish and refuel between meals.
At present, snacks have high sugar content and artificial ingredients, and their nutrients are also very low.
Is it possible for the camp to provide something more nutritious?
Some ideas: fresh fruit, trail mix, watermelon, grapes, raisins, cherries, bananas, apples, popcorn, whole wheat crackers, whole wheat pretzels, little carrots, cherry tomatoes, cucumber sliced hummus, cheese sticks, yogurt or natural apple sauce.
I would also like you to consider canceling the sports drinks that are served.
Your camp has done a great job of having a water dispenser at hand, and kids can get enough hydration through the water cut there and the water bottle they bring home.
In the case of sports drinks, the children can replenish any electrolyte lost by sweat in the next meal.
Eliminating these drinks also reduces the amount of waste generated by the camp.
I know there may be restrictions on what kind of food can be purchased and stored in the camp, which may not be an easy question.
But providing healthy fuel for kids seems to fit the healthy fun you provide on the ground.
I would love to hear what you think and I would be happy to help as much as I can.
Thank you very much for your time.
Best of all, Katie Moford, MS, RDThis post originally appeared on Katie\'s blog \"mom\'s kitchen manual\" where you can find recipes and tips to support your family.
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