
risky business

by:ER Bottle     2020-01-15
From hovering helicopters to ruthless Tigers, the efforts of most parents have a catchy parenting style.
A new competitor has emerged this year.
Parents of lawn mower
In terms of excessive participation in the child\'s life, similar to the tiger parents, the mower parents plow forward in front of the child and \"cut the grass\" any obstacles or adversity on their path.
They make sure their little one never has to deal with anything difficult.
On September, an article written by a teacher about her encounter with a cut law parent went viral online.
Posted anonymously on weareetachers.
Com, she explained how she was called to the main office of the school to pick up items that her parents sent for their children.
She thought it was an air filter or something else important and she met a dad who handed his daughter a bottle of insulated water.
\"Hi, I\'m sorry,\" the teacher wrote.
He\'s obviously going to work in a suit.
Or do something. like).
Remy kept texting me about what she needed.
I replied to the text message, \"Don\'t you have a water dispenser in your school ? \", But I think she has to take it out of the bottle.
The teacher said, \"he smiled. he seemed to say, teenagers, am I right ? \" We are not creating a happier generation of children.
We are creating a generation who don\'t know what to do when they really encounter a struggle.
A generation that panicked or shut down just because of the idea of failure.
For a generation whose failure is too painful, what is left to them is coping mechanisms such as addiction, blame and internalisation.
The list continues.
\"Trevor Higgins, CloudsAway\'s parenting coach.
That is to say, believe all this
Protection, no matter how good
Good Will does more harm than good for a child.
\"This behavior means that the child will never have the opportunity to participate in any struggle or problem --
Solve problems and therefore cannot benefit from the learning that this experience brings, \"said Trevor.
The parents of \"A\" Mower \"are removing the potential lessons that the adventure may bring;
Overcome adversity and face problems.
Therefore, a child may be ill.
Equipped for their environment.
\"One way to offset this parenting failure is to introduce the concept of\" adventure games \"from the earliest age.
Risk games can be defined as an exciting activity that includes the risk of physical injury, as well as games that provide opportunities for challenges, testing limits, exploring boundaries and understanding the risk of injury.
Carol Duffy is an expert in early childhood in Ireland (ECI)
This is the largest organization in the early days-
There are several years here.
It represents 3,800 childcare members who support more than 100,000 children and their families through pre-school education
Schools and day care services are provided nationwide.
Although Carol thinks there is a problem with the word itself, he is passionate about promoting adventure games.
\"This term has a negative meaning for a wide range of game activities;
Activities that should not be avoided because of \"risk\" but rather support healthy development, especially in the early days.
\"Risk and Risk Assessment is a part of life and something that children need to embrace in order to grow and develop physically and mentally,\" Carol said . \". \"Being risk-
Realize it\'s healthier than adventureaverse.
A child who feels the abilities and limits of his body is more likely to protect himself than a child who has never learned to trust his body or even realize the risks.
For example, a baby who learns to walk must bear the risk of falling down in order to become a capable Walker.
Only by climbing stairs repeatedly can you learn how to climb them.
By challenging yourself to take some risks, you will be directed to the next stage of development, whether physical, emotional or spiritual.
\"The new concept of\" risk benefits \"takes into account experiences related to the interests of children and builds capacity and confidence from birth,\" Carol said.
\"Children who develop risk awareness and self
Management skills to better protect yourself
Skills to serve them for life.
Managing minor bruises and bumps in childhood helps children develop resilience emotionally and physically.
Challenges and their associated risks are critical to the development of such resilience.
\"Adventure games, of course, do not mean that parents should let their children relax or play on busy roads --
It\'s about understanding what your kids can do, what they\'re trying to do, and creating a safe place where they can achieve their goals.
Adventure games can be implemented in a number of ways, while protecting children from serious injuries with appropriate adult support.
It can be done at home, on the playground, and even in kindergarten.
Outdoor games offer plenty of opportunities for adventure games
Climbing, sliding, and even upside down from high places are activities that challenge children.
Something as simple as jumping off the wall will make them aware of the balance and height and teach them to make their own judgments.
More and more kindergartens are starting to pay attention to outdoor activities, regardless of the weather, because children have the opportunity to explore and move freely without indoor restrictions and closed safety.
\"Children are excited, excited and educated about what\'s on Earth --
\"Plants, trees, water, stones, sticks and soil,\" Carol said . \".
\"Their interaction and manipulation with these free materials builds their bodies and brains.
We see an increase in early numbers.
Years of outdoor activities are provided.
The quality of outdoor experience provided to children in the early mainstream has also improvedyears settings.
\"After deciding that her previous traditional kindergarten could not meet the needs of the children, Irene Tring set up an outdoor kindergarten natural launch in northern Dublin County --
It is mainly their demand for free movement.
Irene recognizes the importance of the external environment and also values the concept of adventure games.
Irene said: \"We have earth piles where children can run up and down, we have large fake Mountain Stone areas, they keep balance on the rocks, we build earth piles and use tools to build them
\"The children strongly want to be important people, to be valuable members of this group, to play a role in something bigger than them, such as building a fortress and building a birdhouse
They want to be useful, they want to be noticed by others, so they like to give me the tools I need, if that\'s part of what they can do, and then I give them a demo.
At the outdoor school, I found the children calmer and less arguments about toys.
\"The children of Irene kindergarten spend most of their time outdoors --
Light rain just means they have to wear rain gear.
They only enter the classroom if the wind is great or extreme.
Since its opening in 2015, Irene\'s kindergarten has had a lot of demand because parents are also learning the value of outdoor sports.
Since outdoor games offer more opportunities for rough and tumbling and subsequent accidents, the risks associated with such games are enough to scare away some practitioners.
With the discovery of game failures, bruises and even fractures, fear of being prosecuted is one of the obstacles to the widespread implementation of pre-school education.
\"While we are moving in the right direction, outdoor games still face many challenges in terms of values, attitudes, appropriate game space and fear of litigation,\" said Carol . \".
\"Recently, the fear of danger and over-protection, coupled with the fear of litigation, has escalated.
We have reached the point where many people automatically equate outdoor play with risk and danger without considering what they are afraid.
Risks can be seen everywhere, not only from the point of view of falls and injuries, but also concerns that children may become dirty, wet or infected with bacteria.
Carol suggests a simple adult solution
Simply put the children in the right clothes and then let them wash their hands instead of completely avoiding the experience.
\"For parents at home, it\'s better to start small,\" says Carol Duffy . \".
\"Observe what your child can do and what they are trying to do and help them in a way that suits their character. \"1.
\"You don\'t put a toddler on a tree, but on a tree --
Rock climbing skills can be developed from early intervention.
Provide plenty of games and sports for babies to support their balance
Their understanding of their abilities.
\"It helps build a strong and capable body and mind while he/she wants to climb the tree,\" Carol said . \". 2.
\"Playing small and large amounts of water under proper supervision and discussion helps children recognize the wonders and dangers of water as an engaging game material. \"3.
Young children can also learn from exploring and confusing games, such as digging and discovering creepy reptiles in the garden. 4.
Limit screen time
This will lift them out of trouble and seek adventure.
\"Parents can encourage their children to try new and challenging activities by breaking down tasks into a bite
Works of size, praising their efforts and instilling themselves
Parent coach Trevor Higgins said.
Early children\'s Ranchiecloudsaway. ienaturalstart.
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