
Nestle Bottled-Water Plan Draws Fight in Drought-Stricken Oregon

by:ER Bottle     2020-01-28
Nestlé\'s plans to inject spring water into Oregon have sparked debate among lawmakers and environmental activists who say the company should not profit from natural resources as the drought spreads across the state.
Oregon\'s Ministry of Water Resources is considering a proposal to allow Nestlé to become the largest producer of bottled water in the United States. S.
Buy spring water from 44 miles of silent town cascade Rock (71 kilometers)
The company will open a bottling plant east of downtown Portland.
\"Nestle\'s deal is a wake-up call --
State Representative Ann Lininger said he was a Democrat at Lake Oswego and opposed the proposal.
\"We need to take some thoughtful action to ensure that we protect the water that people, the environment needs, and fish and farmers in Oregon are moving towards a future that is affected by climate change.
A drought that plagues America. S.
West is looking at bottled water producers, including Nestle, based in Vevey and Seattle, Switzerland --
Starbucks headquarters
Due to the sale of spring water from areas where farmers are forced to idle land, residents face mandatory cuts, and policymakers are considering extracting diluted water from the Pacific Ocean.
On May 20, protesters gathered at Nestlé bottling plants in Los Angeles and Sacramento, demanding that the company stop bottling during the historic drought in California.
Starbucks announced on May 7 that it will transfer California\'s tap water production to Pennsylvania because of the drought in the country\'s most populous city. S. state.
In Oregon, Nestlé approached officials in the town of Cascade rock, 1,235 kilometers along the Ohio River. in 2008, with the idea of opening a bottling plant, the factory will tap water from the city\'s Oxbow Springs and bottle it under the brand arrow.
Since the city does not have the right to spring water, it has to negotiate an arrangement with the state Department of Fish and Wildlife at Oaks bowler springs.
According to the plan, the level interlock is seeking to exchange some Wells
The ability to tap water right, tap.
Racquel Rancier, a spokeswoman for Oregon\'s Ministry of Water Resources, said the proposal would release a preliminary decision this summer.
Lininger and eight other lawmakers sent a letter last month to Oregon Governor Kate Brown saying the deal bypassed the public --
Interest review, should be considered carefully after the drought.
\"We question the public in Oregon --
\"So that a company can bottle and sell our water,\" the legislator said . \".
\"As water becomes more scarce and popular,
After the West, we should not reach an easy agreement to obtain it.
Buck in Portland
S. -based environmental group is considering a lawsuit if the state approves the transaction, said Amy Harwood, executive director of the group.
David pales, natural resources manager at Nestle North American waters, said Nestlé must comply with water restrictions during the drought
Said in a statement.
\"We are also concerned about the effects of drought and drought on families, farmers, consumers and businesses,\" said Palais . \".
\"We are committed to being responsible managers of the water resources we use.
The deal will bring 250,000. square-
The $50 million Nestle bottling plant has an unemployment rate of 18.
8%, says Gordon Zimmerman, the city manager.
Will increase property
67% of taxes, he said.
\"Every city sells residential and commercial water,\" Zimmerman said . \".
\"It\'s no different.
This is a city that uses resources to create jobs and economic development.
He said: \"The city\'s rainfall is 80 inch per year and is not affected by drought conditions.
This is not the case in other parts of Oregon, where 34% of the state is facing extreme drought, according to US media. S.
Drought Monitoring.
Brown announced drought emergencies in eight counties in May 22, adding seven counties that have been designated this year.
\"Most of our states are scorched due to warm winter and lack of snow,\" Brown said in a statement . \".
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