
mighty mrfs: recycling can be big business, as the owners and operators of some of america\'s largest material recovery facilities (mrfs) can testify. (cover story).

by:ER Bottle     2020-01-10
Newspapers, bottles and jars placed in roadside recycling bins or dropped off at the collection center eventually arrive at the material recycling facility (MRF)
Used for sorting, processing and delivery to consumer manufacturing plants.
Over the past 20 years, with the expansion of recycling projects, MRF has grown-in some cases--
Consumer factories are increasingly eager to pick more materials from potential recycling streams.
Old newspaper (ONP)
The waste paper grade is now the main part of the raw material that enters the secondary pulp for the manufacture of various paper products.
Aluminum for beverage containers (UBCs)
The value as a raw material for production can be stored and other grades of aluminum, while steel tanks and most forms of plastic will remain stable if the market is not notable.
As a result, the MRF has become the center of processing and transportation activities, helping to provide secondary raw materials for many industries.
For the purposes of our list, today\'s recycling options only include facilities for handling 50% or more of residential materials.
Of course, many of the facilities that mix more materials for commercial production also place bottles, jars and other antiques in bottles.
These facilities can be considered material recycling facilities.
It should also be noted that mixed waste treatment facilities are not considered in this particular chart.
To some extent, facilities focused on residential flows are designed to classify and process more types of materials.
However, there is no doubt that when today\'s recycling work shows alist the country\'s largest paper mills next year, the vast majority of these plants will also accept the lives of residents --
In addition to commercial use, paper grades and cans and bottles are produced
Generated material.
Unfortunately, it is somewhat arbitrary to designate the facility as a MRF or apaperstock factory.
Many of the facilities from commercial to residential range from 51/49 to 70/30 and may look and sound like MRF, but because a line has to be drawn, they will be treated as paper plants in order to create our list.
However, the straight line is vague and we are willing to take advice from other definitions or standards to designate the plant as one or another.
Please feel free to contact the editor for your thoughts.
In ranking MRFs, we chose the tonnage of secondary fibers shipped from this facility as the leading standard for ranking.
Although the handling of containers is equally important in most MRFs, the mixing of containers may vary greatly depending on the location of MRFs (
Deposit system status or non
Status of deposit system;
Collect from single
Flow, two-stream or hybrid routing; whether glass--
Heavy but not particularly valuable goods-
Part of the mix).
Therefore, the second fiber is considered to be a benchmark, and it changes the least in different plants.
Some of the sources we interviewed are not sure if this is the best way to rank MRFs, which is almost certainly an imperfect way.
According to the 50/50 split criteria, we are willing to consider an alternative MRFs ranking method.
Call us, send us a letter, send us an emailmail (
Recycling Today. com)
Suggestions and opinions.
Here are the charts and brief descriptions of the 20 facilities that we have defined that meet the MRF designation.
Thanks today to Irene Bellini and the government consulting companyPort Conn West.
American publishers of material recycling and processing. The 2001-
Version 2002 of this directory is the basic form of information in the chart and article below.
Those who are interested in purchasing this comprehensive catalogue of recycling facilities can do so through online bookstores found on www. RecyclingToday. com.
This directory is also available on CD-ROM format. 1)
CHARLESTOWN recycling center this large recycling center, previously operated by Prins recycling, is now owned by Casella Waste Systems, Rutland, Vt.
Processed materials collected by Casella and other porters in the Boston metropolitan area.
Bollegraaf sorting equipment and two horizontal balers, manufactured by Bollegraaf, help the factory deal with a large amount of garbage and containers. KTI Inc.
When it was publicly developed, it bought the former Prins factory.
His own trading company.
KTI\'s casella \'spurchase means that the facility has changed hands again, although it continues to process a large number of secondary fibers, plastics, glass and metal containers through all ownership changes. 2)
RABANCO recycles a large number of Seattle MRF treatment materials collected by solid waste company in theRabanco area, which is now owned by United waste company
ARRIS, Scottsdale
Several different Harris balers are used to compress newspapers and other paper grades, as well as aluminum and steel collected from the Seattle area.
MRF is located in the old steel mill modified by Rabanco in the late 1980 s.
In addition to roadside goods, some of the city\'s solid waste, number of yards and C & D debris are also processed on site. 3)
According to Cal Tigchelaar, president of resource management, the Chicago area factory processed about tons of materials in 273,500. The150,000-sq. ft.
The factory was expanded in 2000.
MRF collects materials collected by porters in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan and Missouri. 4)
Waste management-
Miniparis waste management
Recently, Houston has integrated several twin cities into a large MRF in Minneapolis. Thismega-
The facilities include residential and commercial materials, and the residential part provides a greater balance.
So far, in 2002, the plant produced fiber at a rate of 8,000 tons per month. 5)
Groot industries/Crown DISPOSALA has almost divided residential and commercial materials into this line of production.
A classification system, made of a counting recycling system, is now a division of CP manufacturing in California\'s National City.
, Helps to separate the paper from the container and separate the paper grade from other containers.
Areco-solid waste transfer station and C & D facilities
Located on the website. 6)WESTBURY-
OMNI recycles the uniform division of this Long Island MRF treatment of residential and commercial materials.
Harris baler helps in the production of ONP and OCC grades as well as PET and HDPE plastic bottle packs and tin packs
Steel tin plated. (
Due to the deposit and return system in New York, very few UBCs pass through the factory, according to which residents place aluminum cans in bins on the side of the road. )
The materials come from communities on Long Island, as well as from Manhattan and other New York City boroughs. 7)BFI RECYCLING-
This MRF serves the Twin Cities area and the counties around it, which provides CP manufacturing equipment to charter Harris.
In addition to the considerable fiber tonnage, a considerable number of containers of various types have been processed in the factory.
The facility was launched in 1992, 10 years ago. 8)
Dade County BFIThis MRF recyclable items collected from residents of Miami City, Miami Beach and other communities in Dade County, as well as unregistered areas of the county.
The fiber tonnage, metal cans and plastic bottles prepared for shipment by Harris baler.
The MRF was upgraded in 1998 to handle its growing mix of materials.
The OCC on the cruise ship that has to be handled separately has also entered the factory. 9)
Potential industries the facilities in the Long Beach area need residential materials collected from porters throughout Southern California.
Bollegraafsorting and baling equipment and brothers Logemann.
Packaging Equipment processes recyclable streams entering the plant, which extracts materials from counties in Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego.
Potential industries also deal with materials from commercial sources. 10)
BFI in New York-
Although the BROOKLYNThis plant recently stopped accepting paper and instead concentrated on containers, its previous status as a waste paper shipper made our list clearer.
Many of the roadside materials collected in New York City were brought to the factory, as well as additional materials in parts of Long Island. The-150,000 sq. ft.
Harrisbalers at the factory are used to process ONP, OCC and mixed paper, and also to compress plastic bottles, tin cans and other grade metals.
Pending changes to the New York City recycling program may reduce the amount of material flowing in, or further change the material mix of the MRF. 11)
Palm Beach County R-
The MRFThe MRF for this Florida county is built to handle a lot of material and has been doing so. (
Please see \"high volume MRFSeeks efficient system\", recycling today, April 1999, or at www. RecyclingToday. com. )
The factory was built and designed in 1990 in byRRT Design, Melville, United States. Y.
And expanded in 1998.
The materials collected from Palm Beach County and neighboring county add up to 85,000 tons of second-hand goods produced by residents.
Adjacent commercial MRF handles an additional 20,000 tons of OCC and other paper grades per year. 12)
Island Recycling Company
Since it is difficult to find landfill sites in Hawaii, a residential treatment facility launched by a waste recycling company has found stable commercial services --
Boxes of Honolulu, surrounding communities and military bases.
The enterprise baler handles ONP, OCC, mixed paper, phone book, aluminum cans and plastic bottles. 13)
The Prince George County MRFA sorting system using Bollegraaf and Bezner equipment helps to sort ONP, plastic containers, UBCs, steel cans and glass bottles to this 65,000 square foot. ft. MRF.
Waste management is the current operator of the MRF, which has two production lines and is officially operated by CRInc.
Materials come from Prince George County and nearby Arlington County, Virginia. 14)
Mrfreensables, BFI Buffalo District, collected from about 300,000 families in northern New York, head to this N. KenmoreY.
MRF operated by BFI
United Waste Corporation
About 70 of the materials processed by the factory came from residential projects in several counties.
ONP, OCC and mixed paper in the factory as well as bottles and cans are packed.
The factory, which has served buffalo for more than ten years, opened in 1991. 15)
Northwest lawn/West Coast recyclingSan Francisco-
Norcal Waste Systems based on waste transport
San Francisco \"turf \"(
Total urban recycling facilities)
Operated by West Coast recycling.
The company, which owns the San Francisco residential recycling contract, sent the materials it collected there, where they were sorted, most of which were packaged by Harris baler.
Due to the California deposit and return system, there are very few UBCs here, and the number of plastic containers is relatively small.
So far, ONP is the main commodity, followed by glass, steel cans and HDPEplastic. 16)CR&R INC.
Part of the residential recycling stream from the city of Los Angeles came to this facility, as did the materials collected from the rest of Los Angeles County and from parts of Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino County.
ONP, mixed paper, glass, OCC, steel tank and HDPEmilk kettle make up most of the material processed in the factory.
Some of the materials accepted came from singles.
Stream collection program while others come from doubleStream program. 17)
MRFWaste management company, Lake County.
Run this Chicago-based factory that buys recyclable items from more than 35 cities in northeast Illinois.
The sorting system helps to separate several shippable grades including ONP, glass, mixed paper, OCC, high density polyethylene plastic, steel tank, pet plastic and aluminum tank (
From maximum tonnage to minimum tonnage). 18)BFI RECYCLERY-
Residents and businesses on newbie Island
Generating materials (
About 50/50 points)
Access to Central California facilities
Materials from San Jose, Santa Clara and other parts of Silicon Valley-
And Alameda County--
Brought by waste and recyclable waste transport companies.
MRF has a CP manufacturing sorting line that accepts mixed materials. 19)
Imperial waste management center, Santa Rosa, California
The facility, operated by waste management, dates back to 1978 and some of the earliest roadside collection projects in the United StatesS.
It has been upgraded on a regular basis and now has a sorting system for enterprise balers.
Collect recyclable items from homes in Sonoma and mendocanti. 20)
Metal Resource residential recyclable materials from the Pittsburgh area and other parts of western Pennsylvania are processed in this MRF, which was previously operated by weyerhaeuser recycling.
For more than 10 years, residential collection contractors have dragged recyclable paper grades and containers to the MRF.
Harris baler helps prepare recyclable items.
One of the difficulties of a changing MRF scenario in finding the right facilities for 20 MRF lists is the ongoing overhaul and integration in the United StatesS.
Solid waste companies such as waste management companies, AlliedWaste-
BFI and Casella Waste Systems acquired assets throughout the late 19 th century, during which they inspected their transfer stations and MRF facilities and upgraded and other facilities on a number of facilities
Some of them also decided to outsource their recyclable materials processing.
This has led to the current and future expansion of MRFs owned by many small regional companies.
While these plants may not process enough tonnage to list this list in 2000 or 2001, they may then be upgraded and expanded to the top 20.
Ability to obtain tonnage information (
Whether it\'s 2001, 2002 or the annual forecast)
Not yet popular.
Some companies responded to inquiries about tonnage data, while others chose to keep the information confidential.
Of course, our preference is to recognize MRFs who really put themselves in the recycling elite.
If you know that an MRF should be in our top 20, or is growing, and may be eligible next time we post this list, please let us know.
Dai Lemei btaylor @ rekirgtoday when contacting. com.
The wave of the future is single.
Stream processing the inevitable wave of future atMRFs across the United StatesS. ?
Find out what the speakers at the recent paper recycling conference and trade show said on the online sidebar atwww. RecyclingToday. com.
The author is an editor for recycling today and can contact viae-
Email today at btaylor @ recyclinggday. com.
The assistant editor of recycling today, Toto, helped research this feature.
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