
fragrance companies withhold chemical information presidential panel: cancer risks underestimated sleep apnea boosts stroke risk study: concerns about comfort and choking prevent some moms from placing babies in safest sleeping position sleep apnea may r

by:ER Bottle     2020-01-11
By David S.
A report released on Wednesday said that MartinCNN medical premium product perfume generally lists \"perfume\" as an ingredient rather than naming the specific chemical involved, and that retention may lead to allergic reactions and
Take a look at 17 popular perfumes, Cologne and body sprays, and the safe cosmetics campaign found an average of 14 unlisted ingredients in each product.
Under the law, companies do not need to list the chemicals used to make fragrances.
\"We as consumers have the right to know what we put physically,\" said Sean Gray, senior analyst at the Environmental Working Group, who conducted research for the safe cosmetics campaign.
\"Some hidden chemicals you don\'t know can have an impact on human health.
\"The perfume tested contains on average 10 chemical sensitizers that cause reactions such as asthma, breathing, headaches, and contact dermatitis when they are inhaled into the skin.
John Bailey, chief scientist, personal care products Committee, Washington
The company says the chemicals are only sensitive at very high doses.
\"I think they abuse information on several levels,\" Bailey said . \".
\"They reported it.
Known as the secret material in the product, they do not report the level.
You have two jobs as an analytical chemist.
One is to identify chemicals.
The other is to determine how much.
Quantity is crucial.
\"In Europe, even if 26 substances are part of the perfume, they must be listed on the label.
Of these 26 substances, the safe cosmetic movement study found 22 of the products it tested.
In the report, the safe cosmetics campaign called on Congress to rewrite the federal Fair Packaging and Labeling Act of 1973, requiring that all chemicals in perfume or cologne be included on the list.
But Bailey said it was unrealistic.
He said that there is not enough space on the label to accommodate all the ingredients used to make the fragrance, and this information makes no sense to the consumer.
Bailey says the United StatesS.
The Food and Drug Administration and other agencies are now entitled to restrict or prohibit any substances considered unsafe in cosmetics.
In the research Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, 12 of the 17 perfumes tested also contain neighboring benzene Diester known as DEP.
Phthal salts are often classified as endocrine disruptors, which means they can interfere with the chemical signaling system in the body, and some studies suggest that they may interfere with the reproductive development of boys in the uterus.
But Bailey says the use of DEP in cosmetics is not a health problem, and the US and European regulators believe that DEP is safe.
\"Perfume has been in use for centuries.
We know a lot about composition.
\"The materials used do have a basic toolbox,\" Bailey said . \".
\"It\'s not that we don\'t have any experience with them.
December, United StatesS.
The Environmental Protection Agency has listed eight phthal salts in a new \"concerned chemicals\" list, citing adverse effects on the reproductive system of male experimental animals, as well as human studies
The director of environmental protection is citing the economic partnership agreement between China and China.
The safe cosmetics campaign is a non-alliance
Profitable groups including the Environmental Working Group, tomorrow Health Alliance, Breast Cancer Fund, public welfare, Friends of the Earth and women who speak for the Earth. By David S.
It is common for MartinCNN Medical advanced products to be exposed to potential cancer risks in their daily lives, but underestimated, especially for children.
The President\'s Cancer team says the public is still largely unaware of common cancer risks such as formaldehyde, benzene and radon.
This is the first time the organization has focused on environmental cancer risks in its annual report to the president.
Dr. , chairman of the panel, said: \"The fact that the President\'s Cancer team has this report will make people more aware . \"
Little LaSalle lever
Oncologist and professor of surgery, Howard University School of Medicine.
The team also recommends reducing the risk of environmental cancer, which is the cornerstone of cancer prevention efforts, and indicates that doctors need to better consider potential harmful chemical exposure when diagnosing patients.
The report also blamed the United States. S.
Most of the 80,000 chemicals allowed to be used are not subject to research and regulatory policies.
For example, it is reported that double phenol (BPA)
Although BPA is increasingly linked to a variety of diseases, including various cancers, it remains unregulated in consumer goods such as plastic bottles, canned liners and food packaging.
\"The risk of environmental exposure is particularly serious for children who are small but pound
Eat more food, water and air than adults.
Toxic chemicals are also active longer in children, and their developing brains are more exposed to chemicals.
Even if there is no evidence that a particular exposure can lead to cancer, the team decided to release reports on environmental cancer risks this year, Leffall said.
Cell phones are a good example.
While science has not shown that using a cell phone can cause cancer, the report takes a cautious approach and recommends that people on the phone wear headphones or text messages to reduce exposure, Leffall said.
To reduce cancer risk, 240-
Page report also suggested: * take off your shoes before entering the house to avoid tracking toxic chemicals such as pesticides.
* Filter tap water.
* Use stainless steel, glass or BPA-
Free plastic water bottle.
* Microwave with ceramic or glass instead of plastic container.
* Minimize food grown using pesticides and meat raised using antibiotics and growth hormone.
* Minimize processing, burning or good consumption
Meat containing carcinogenic cycled amine and multi-aromatic hydrocarbons.
* Reduce radiation from X
Light and other medical sources.
The report states that formaldehyde, benzene and radon are dangerous.
Almost all households contain formaldehyde, which is considered by the Environmental Protection Agency as a possible human carcinogenic substance.
Formaldehyde is used for plywood, scrap boards, foam insulation, carpets and curtains, furniture, permanently pressed fabrics and toiletries.
When these new installations are installed, the report says, the exposure is the highest.
In addition, it is reported that an estimated 2 million Americans are exposed to formaldehyde at work, which increases their risk of dying from he Jiejin\'s lymphoma and other cancers.
Exposure to benzene is also common.
The exhaust gas from cars and other vehicles contains benzene, which is listed by the EPA as a known human carcinogenic substance.
According to the report, radon is naturally formed and can be collected at home, the second largest cause of lung cancer in the United States, after smoking, with an estimated 21,000 deaths per year.
The report recommends regular check of radon levels at home.
The Presidential Cancer Group was founded in 1971.
Margaret L. serves laffar.
Kripke, University of TexasD.
Anderson Cancer Center
The third member of the panel has not yet been appointed.
Editor\'s note: Medical News is a popular but sensitive subject rooted in science.
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Val WillinghamCNN Medical Products Report: Sleep Apnea, intermittent stop of breathing during sleep
Related to increased risk of stroke-
According to a new study in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Medicine, older or older people in the United States, especially men.
This is a terrible statistic because there are 18 million people in the United States, according to the National Sleep Foundation. S.
Many people don\'t know about sleep apnea.
The researchers collected data from the famous Sleep Heart Health Study and studied stroke risk among 5,422 participants aged 40 and over who had no history of stroke.
At the beginning of the study, the participants were-
The home sleep test determined whether they had sleep apnea and, if so, the severity of sleep apnea.
The average follow-up time for participants was 9 years.
During this period, a total of 193 participants suffered stroke-85 males (
2,462 male registered)and 108 women (
Of the 2,960 registered persons).
The researchers found that men with mild sleep apnea had an increased risk of stroke.
If they have more severe apnea, their risk of stroke will increase.
Men with moderate to severe sleep apnea are nearly three times more likely to have a stroke than men without sleep apnea or mild sleep apnea.
But it\'s different in women.
The increased risk of stroke in women is only significant in the case of severe sleep apnea.
The increased risk of stroke caused by sleep apnea depends on other risk factors in women, such as weight problems, smoking, race, diabetes and high blood pressure.
People with sleep apnea can pause one or more breaths or shallow breaths while sleeping.
It can also be accompanied by loud snoring or snoring.
Pauses usually occur 5 to 30 times per hour.
Many times, the sleeper is disrupted at night due to strange breathing habits, which can lead to excessive drowsiness during the day.
Unstable sleep/breathing patterns can also put severe stress on the heart, as a pause can slow down the flow of oxygen to important organs and even stop for a few seconds, this makes the heart pump more difficult.
\"What\'s even more shocking is that even if we don\'t sleep, the body will get used to these unstable patterns,\" said Michael J . \"Twery, Ph. D.
Director of the Center for Sleep disease research at the National Institutes of Health, \"When this happens, you will always have pressure on the heart.
The effects of sleep apnea begin to erode your health and eventually lead to a stroke.
\"The researchers believe that since men are more prone to sleep apnea early in life, the risk of stroke is much higher than that of women, and women often have sleep apnea during pregnancy, overweight or have entered menopause.
\"The risk of stroke may be related to the cumulative effects of sleep apnea, which have adversely affected health over the years,\" said Susan Redline. D. , MPH.
\"Our findings provide compelling evidence that blocking sleep apnea is a risk factor for stroke, especially among men,\" said Susan Redline . \"D. , M. P. H.
Professor of Medicine, Pediatrics, epidemiology, and biostatistics at the Kaisi Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, lead author of the paper.
\"Overall, the increased risk of stroke in men with sleep apnea is comparable to a 10-year increase in male age.
Importantly, we found that the risk of stroke in men increases even if sleep apnea is relatively mild.
\"Because the symptoms of sleep apnea occur at night, many people do not realize that they are affected when the patient is asleep, may go through years, even a lifetime, with the disease, and do not know.
So how do you know if you have a sleep apnea or just a snoring problem?
Sleep experts suggest that if your partner notices you snoring while sleeping, can\'t breathe, or you wake up in the morning and find that you can\'t work during the day because you\'re sleepy, it\'s better to talk to your doctor.
Previous studies suggest that sleep apnea may be a precursor to high blood pressure, weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease and stroke.
This is also associated with excessive daytime drowsiness, which reduces performance in the workplace and schools and increases the risk of injury and death due to drowsy driving and other accidents.
\"It\'s really up to the patient to take the first step, go to the doctor and ask for a test.
\"There are a lot of treatments that can help you,\" explains Twery.
People need to follow them.
Because there is no pain in sleep apnea, many people don\'t think it will hurt them.
But studies have shown that sleep apnea can hurt your body, especially if it is not found.
\"What is the next step in this project?
The researchers will start clinical trial studies to help scientists determine whether treatment of sleep apnea can reduce the risk of stroke and other diseases.
Editor\'s note: Medical News is a popular but sensitive subject rooted in science.
We receive a lot of comments on this blog every day;
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Miriam FalcoCNN medical news management editor\'s mother\'s belief in the child\'s risk of comfort and suffocation can prevent her from putting the child on her back to sleep, which increases the child\'s risk of dying from sudden infant death syndrome.
A new study found that the location of the baby\'s sleep usually depends on the quality and quantity of advice the new mom gets and whether they believe their child will be uncomfortable or suffocated.
The researchers interviewed 2,300 mothers.
61% mothers surveyed reported that putting babies on their backs to sleep meant that nearly 40% of mothers did not do so, which increased their risk of developing SIDS.
74% of mothers in the survey are African.
Americans, this is intentional because of Africa.
According to the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development, American babies are more than twice as likely to die from SIDS as white babies.
According to the study author, reducing the number of deaths in SIDS is a driving force.
Isabel von Kohorn conducted the study.
She is a pediatrician specializing in the treatment of newborns at Yale Medical School.
Feng Kohorn found that the mother believes that if placed on the back of the child, her child is uncomfortable or more likely to suffocate, which is more motivated than any suggestion about the best location of the child.
Doctors and nurses who take these beliefs into account may be more able to advise new moms on the best sleep location.
\"We want to make sure that all health care providers give clear, clear advice to put the baby back on the back.
Said Feng Kohorn.
But only 56% of doctors and 44% of nurses are talking to mothers about this and letting their babies sleep only in the back of their first year of life.
The researchers also learned that one out of every 7 doctors and nurses gave incorrect advice.
\"We want to make sure that all health care providers give clear, clear advice to put the baby back on the back.
The doctor says there is also a need to educate people around the new mom about the safest sleeping posture
Alan Fleischman, medical director of Coin March.
\"It is beneficial to put the baby on the back, which is not intuitively obvious.
Fleishman added that doing so saved the lives of a large number of babies.
However, the researchers do learn that mothers are more likely to follow these suggestions when they are told the safest sleeping posture from doctors, nurses or news media.
\"This is an important discovery,\" said Feng Kohorn.
A life can be saved by saying the word.
As long as the word is spoken out through the media, a life can be saved.
My goal in life is to stop babies from dying.
\"The advice for babies to back up dates back to 1992 when the American Academy of Pediatrics changed their advice.
National Institutes of Health (1994 (NIH)
\"Return to sleep\" education activities were carried out to reduce the number of SIDS deaths.
According to the National Institutes of Health, the number of SIDS deaths has halved since the start of the campaign.
However, according to the new study, about half of African-American babies in the United States are still sleeping in addition to sleeping behind their backs.
Editor\'s note: Medical News is a popular but sensitive subject rooted in science.
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Elizabeth landoken
If you breathe light or pause while sleeping, this is a clear sign of sleep apnea.
According to the National Institutes of Health, this chronic disease often makes people feel sleepy during the day and increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, obesity and diabetes.
A new study in the journal Ophthalmology links the most common sleep apnea
Sleep and Breathing Disorders
An eye disease called eyelid relaxation syndrome.
In this case, the elastic upper cover of the patient is easily folded up.
This situation is difficult to diagnose and is most common in obese patients.
The researchers examined 102 patients with eye relaxation syndrome and 102 controls.
They found about one.
Third, patients with eyelid relaxation syndrome also have blocked sleep apnea, which is still statistically significant when controlling body mass index.
This study also confirms the early findings that the cornea disease, the conicus, is also associated with floppy disk syndrome.
In this case, the cornea becomes thin and coneshaped.
In Dr patients, blocking sleep apnea and eyelid relaxation syndrome are often present together.
Scott Greenstein, an eye doctor at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Hospital, did not participate in the study.
\"They have found something good --
\"Busy clinicians know it,\" he said . \".
But why the two go hand in hand is not yet certain.
The authors of the study say that people with blocked sleep apnea tend to prefer sleep on one side, which can lead to repeated stress on the eyelids on one side of the face.
But Greenstein says most of his patients have loose double eyelids, which makes the theory wrong.
\"These findings should also encourage clinicians to be aware of these associations and guide further treatment,\" the study authors wrote . \".
However, there are limitations to the research approach: the authors used patients from the diabetes retina clinic, which means they may have diabetes --
Related eye damage causes eyelid relaxation syndrome, says Greenstein.
The authors write that there is evidence of a weak independent association between diabetes and blocked sleep apnea, although this is uncertain.
There is no real cure for eyelid relaxation syndrome, Greenstein said, but doctors recommend using artificial tears to help ease the symptoms of dryness.
The cornea was treated with corrective lenses in mild cases and surgery in more serious cases.
Editor\'s note: Medical News is a popular but sensitive subject rooted in science.
We receive a lot of comments on this blog every day;
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We encourage you to focus your comments on these medical and health topics and we appreciate your input.
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David MartinCNN\'s regulations for advanced medical products expose children in the United States to dangerous levels of pesticides and other chemicals, which increases their risk of developing chronic degenerative diseases later, Wednesday, A doctor told the Senate committee. Dr.
Ted Schettler, director of non-science
Profit Science and the Environmental Health Network pointed out that studies have shown that exposure to pesticides in children increases the risk of Parkinson\'s disease.
Schettler told the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works: \"Developing children are particularly vulnerable to exposure to hazardous environments compared to adults . \".
Schettler advocates the administration of toxic substances (TSCA)
In order to better protect the public from chemicals in consumer goods, food, water and air. Dr. Gina M.
Solomon, a doctor specializing in Pediatric Environmental Health, told the commission that EPA had failed to adequately protect the fetus, infants and children from a number of hazardous chemicals, including flame retardant and pesticides.
\"One of the most common questions I \'ve heard is,\" What can I do to protect me and my family from air, water, food and community contaminants?
It is usually difficult to answer this question.
\"Many of the dangers that may affect the health of children and families are not something that individuals can protect themselves from, even with the advice of a doctor,\" Solomon said . \" Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, senior scientist at the Natural Resources Conservation Committee.
Last month, the inspector general of the Environmental Protection Bureau issued a report summarizing that, \"EPA has not developed comprehensive procedures and measures to ensure that new chemicals entering the business do not pose unreasonable risks to human health and the environment.
Peter Grevatt, director of the EPA office for child health protection and environmental education, said the agency is working to protect children from hazardous chemicals.
\"Ensuring that our children are protected from environmental threats is at the heart of EPA\'s work,\" Grevatt said . \" He added that children eat, drink and breathe more per pound than adults.
But Grevatt says the Toxic Substances Control Act makes it difficult for EPA to take action against known hazardous chemicals.
\"In some cases, it is difficult to take action to limit or prohibit the discovery of chemicals that pose unreasonable risks to human health or the environment,\" he said . \".
EPA director Lisa Jackson supports major changes to TSCA, including requiring manufacturers to prove that they are safe before bringing chemicals to market. This year, Sen.
Frank Lautenberg, a Democrat in New Jersey, is expected to introduce the children\'s safety chemistry Act, which will require industry to do so.
Editor\'s note: doctor
Sanjay Gupta looks at the Environment and Health in an upcoming hour-long survey, toxic towns in the United States, aired at 8: 00 on April 24m.
ETAs is a feature of CNNhealth.
Our team of experts and doctors will answer questions from readers.
This is a question for the doctor. Gupta.
Lloyd Batley, from Bowling Green, Kentucky, \"How close scientists are to developing a way to treat herpes, and vividly, we will be in 10, 20 or even 30 years
Answer: Well, Lloyd, there\'s good news and bad news about herpes.
The good news is that researchers have made significant progress and can now better understand the mechanisms behind herpes outbreak.
The bad news is: there is very little money for the study.
After receiving your question, we contacted a leading herpes specialist, Brian Cullen, director of the Duke virus research center.
Karen hopes that once the funding barrier is crossed, the treatment for herpes can be achieved within 10 years.
In the United States, one out of five is over 12 years old. S.
Affected by herpes
It\'s caused by a virus.
Herpes type 1 virus (HSV-1)
Or herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2).
Both viruses can cause genital herpes.
1 usually infect the mouth and produce cold sore.
Despite the funding challenges, Cullen and his team are slowly approaching the cure.
They recently conducted a study that identified the route of herpes infection.
They now know how herpes is embedded in cells and how it evades treatment.
Now they have honed the physiology of the disease.
Its trigger point
The researchers believe they are one step closer to making a drug to treat herpes.
When we wait for a cure, there are some drugs that can at least inhibit herpes.
Three anti-viral drugs are usually recommended: acoville, varnabéxevey, and pan-Antian to calm the epidemic.
When there are quiet symptoms in the outbreak, the doctor may recommend taking these drugs;
Or take it continuously to reduce the likelihood of an outbreak.
Of course, the best way to avoid herpes transmission is to avoid sex, but if you have sex then proceed safely --
Use sex like condoms.
Editor\'s note: Medical News is a popular but sensitive subject rooted in science.
We receive a lot of comments on this blog every day;
Not all of them are released.
We hope that there will be a lot of learning to share useful information and personal experience based on blog-based medical and health topics.
We encourage you to focus your comments on these medical and health topics and we appreciate your input.
Thank you for your participation. By David S.
If you are like me, you try to exercise and eat foods that contain lots of fruits and vegetables.
Of course, it is hoped that a healthy lifestyle will bring health.
It does not always work like this.
There are two things we can\'t control when we sit at the table or go to the gym.
The first is our genes.
We may have a family history of heart disease or Alzheimer\'s.
The second is the environment: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the chemicals we consume, will have a subtle and far-reaching impact on our long-term life. term health.
This year, the federal government may recognize this link between health and the environment as never before.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launched the network today
Based on the environmental public health tracking network.
The website aims to track the link between air and water contaminants and chronic diseases such as asthma, heart disease, cancer and lead poisoning in children.
Up to now, the tracking network covers only 16 states (
California, Connecticut, Florida, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin)
And New York City.
The CDC plans to add five more sites this summer and hopes to eventually include all 50 states.
He said the tracking network will help the government deal with environmental health issues more quickly and improve our understanding of the link between environment and health
Howard Frenkin, director of the CDC\'s National Environmental Health Center, said at a press conference.
This is also the beginning of the National Institute for Children\'s Health and Human Development 21-
The one-year study will track 100,000 children from the uterus to adulthood.
The agency began signing up for research in January.
All these concerns about the environment and health remind us that while we live on Earth, we do not live in bubbles.
Did the environment make you sick?
Editor\'s note: Medical News is a popular but sensitive subject rooted in science.
We receive a lot of comments on this blog every day;
Not all of them are released.
We hope that there will be a lot of learning to share useful information and personal experience based on blog-based medical and health topics.
We encourage you to focus your comments on these medical and health topics and we appreciate your input.
Thank you for your participation.
At the age of 22, I cut a gray hair from my tangled black hair.
I showed my mother a strange silver hair and she took a picture of me-told-you-so\" look.
She always told me that watching TV or on the computer would make me gray too early.
Her evidence: every computer engineer she knew became gray when she was in her 30 s, but she only knew one computer engineer.
So I think it\'s a weird theory.
But I was curious about my gray encounter.
I occasionally see silver threads on students, teenagers and even children, and sometimes white hair.
A mother is in her three weeks-year-old daughter.
Can young people get gray early?
Is it genetic or environmental?
As my mom suggested, TV and computer screens?
Although the researchers did not have a clear answer, Japanese scientists said that \"genetic toxicity pressure\" would destroy the cells responsible for the color of the hair.
According to a report published this month in the journal Cell, when these melanin stem cells die, we have irreversible Gray.
One of the authors said that our dna is constantly being attacked by chemicals, ultraviolet rays and ionising radiation.
Emi Nishimura of Kanazawa University.
According to the National Institutes of Health, in nature, ionising radiation can come from cosmic rays from the sun and stars, as well as radioactive substances in rocks and soils.
But it\'s also from humans.
Sources of production such as X-
Light, television, smoke detectors, building materials, tobacco smoke, as well as mining and agricultural products such as granite, coal and potash.
\"It is estimated that individual cells in mammals may encounter about 100,000 DNA damage events per day,\" Xicun wrote in an email . \".
\"But it is not clear which source of genetic toxic stress is the main cause of aging or gray hair.
In the West Village experiment, 7-to-8-week-
The old brown and black mice were exposedbody X-rays.
\"If we try to reduce the dose (
Ionization radiation)
\"You can see the pattern of salt and pepper on their hair,\" said Xicun . \".
\"With a higher dose, you can see more white hair.
Most of the hair has turned white.
\"While studies of mice do not always apply to humans, they can provide scientific clues.
Researchers from the cancer and stem cell research center at Kanazawa University in Japan wrote: \"We found hair gray, which is the most obvious aging phenotype and may be caused by the response to genomic damage . \".
The results of the study on mice show that the accumulation of inevitable DNA damage can trigger the gray of physiological hair.
\"I haven\'t seen gray hair for years, but I\'m watching. By Dr.
Sanjay GuptaCNN\'s chief medical correspondent is sometimes interesting about how our work goes into our real life.
A case of art imitating life?
In the past few weeks, my jet lag has been very serious.
I started in India a few weeks ago.
The trip there was not bad and once I landed I arranged the trip soon.
However, it\'s hard for me to shake it once I get back.
About a week later, I was awake at three in the morning. m.
I felt like I was knocked down by a Mike truck.
When I got back on track, I flew to the west coast and started the whole process again.
And I just got back from Los Angeles last night.
There is no doubt that I do travel a lot, but I am always curious: what exactly happens in my brain when I am jet lag?
The most important area in the brain is the lower part of the visual Hill.
It is a key area of the brain, especially the nucleus above the optic cross (
This is a name worth remembering . . . . . . )
It contains thousands of neurons whose main function is to regulate our circadian rhythm, our biological clock. (
Time difference study)
As far as neurosurgery is concerned, the area is completely \"abnormal\" when we travel \".
But it\'s not just that.
There are two types of neurons that represent deep sleep and rapid eye movement sleep.
Deep sleep neurons do sync in one day, even after an important overseas trip, but neurons that supervise REM sleep take longer.
Without the rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep) that makes you dream, you will feel more fatigued, less memory, and less overall performance.
Now, you can imagine that the researchers who found this in rats have told us that they are working on the possibility of a \"jet lag\" drug, the goal is to regulate the neurons on the optic cross in REM sleep mode (
I think it\'s smart to write this).
Yes, I believe that one day everything will have a pill, but I am not a fan of pills, so here are some techniques I have learned over the years. (
Look at Sanjay\'s personal tips)
I immediately changed the clock to the new time zone when I got on the plane.
If possible, I will try to sleep an hour early every day for a few nights before the trip.
As you might imagine, it\'s not a good idea to start with a lack of sleep.
On all flights I have a blindfold and a heavy sweater so I can sleep even during the day.
As I mentioned, while I have some friends who travel a lot and swear to take melatonin, sleeping pills are not what I really like.
If you don\'t remember how to take this supplement, imagine it as a \"dark hormone \".
\"When the outside is dark and suppressed by the light, it is made.
You are about an hour before going to bed-your new location.
Please forgive all typos-I was already jet lag when I wrote this.
Also, I was wondering if you have any more tips to stop jet lag and help me and other travelers?
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