
fema deputy chief defends agency after millions of water bottles were photographed at puerto rico airport

by:ER Bottle     2020-01-31
A senior federal emergency response authority official defended the agency after a photo showed that it had placed millions of water bottles on the island\'s runway a year after Hurricane Maria destroyed a key supply chain.
A federal emergency administration executive said the bottles were considered redundant and covered with blue plastic on pallets behind pallets on the Puerto Rico runway.
Daniel kahnwowski, deputy director of the Federal Emergency Services Administration, told CBS This Morning: \"These are redundant water bottles.
These are not required during the response phase, so the governor of Puerto Rico or FEMA did not distribute them.
The network released an aerial image released by abdiel Santana, a joint rapid action agency under the Puerto Rican police force.
Kaniewski defended the decision, and at a time when the agency was facing tension, President Trump praised the agency\'s handling of the hurricane and objected to an analysis that showed that, when Hurricane Florence began hitting Carolina, the death toll was close to 3,000.
Those who need these bottled water, I believe, got them at the reaction stage, these are all excess bottled water, which was transferred again in January to save money for US taxpayers, kaniewski said.
According to USA Today, the director of the Federal Affairs Administration of Puerto Rico, Carlos Mercader, said in a statement that the federal emergency response authority did not deliver bottles to the Puerto Rican government until April.
When 700 bottles were issued, residents complained about the smell, which they were considered undrinkable.
Another federal emergency response administration official told CBS: \"IfFEMA]
If you put water on the runway, there will be a price. . .
If we do this, we will succeed.
Angel Cruz Ramos, mayor of Seva town, including the runway, told CNN that there was too much water, it was useless, and it came at the wrong time: \"Time and heat make the weather bad.
President Donald Trump praised the hurricane\'s response and rejected the death toll of nearly 3,000 people.
Trump wrote on Twitter this week: \"Our recent hurricane work in Texas and Florida is good (
Did an unappreciated great job in Puerto Rico, even though it was an island that the mayor of San Juan, with very poor power, was completely incompetent, could not access).
We are ready for the big company that is coming!
On Tuesday, he praised Maria for her response and said: \"I actually think this is one of the best jobs ever about all this.
When Hurricane Florence rushed to Carolina on Thursday, Trump had been talking about the death toll on Twitter.
Mr. Obama tweeted that no three thousand people were killed in two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico.
When I left the island after the storm hit, there were 6 or 18 of them dead.
It did not rise too much over time.
Then, after a long time, they started reporting a lot of data like 3000.
\"It was done by Democrats to make me look as bad as possible when I successfully raised billions of dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico.
If a person dies for any reason, such as old age, just add them to the list. Bad politics.
I love Puerto Rico!
Half of Puerto Ricans surveyed by The Washington Post
A poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation showed that during the storm they were unable to get enough water and were concerned about the water quality.
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